End of year holidays: Modified public transit service

In order to allow our drivers to enjoy a well-deserved rest, the public transport service will be modified during the holiday season.

Holiday Service days 2023-2024

Holiday service will be offered on the following days:

  • Saturday, December 23rd 2023;
  • Sunday, December 24th 2023;
  • Monday, December 25th 2023;
  • Tuesday, December 26th 2023;
  • Saturday, December 30th 2023;
  • Sunday, December 31st 2023;
  • Monday, January 1st 2023;
  • Tuesday, January 2nd 2023.


Holiday Service

On holidays, fixed bus lines are not in service.

We invite transit users to use the on-demand service which will be available according to its regular schedule during that time (5:30 AM to 10:30 PM Sunday to Thursday, 5:30 AM to midnight Friday and Saturday). More information here.

The Transcollines team wishes you a happy holiday season!