Board of directors This content is intended for the public covered by the exceptions of the Charter of the French language and its regulations. If you read on, you confirm that you fall within one of these exceptions. One name, two organizations Transcollines is a single ticketing transit service for individuals comprised of two distinct organizations. The Régie Intermunicipale de Transport des Collines manages the public transit for the municipalities of Cantley, Chelsea, La Pêche and Val-des-Monts. The paratransit services and supplemental transit services are overseen by Transports Adaptés et Collectifs des Collines for all seven (7) municipalities of the RCM of Les Collines-de-l’Outaouais: Cantley, Chelsea, L’Ange-Gardien, La Pêche, Pontiac and Val-des-Monts. Each of the two organizations using a single ticketing system under the name Transcollines is a separate legal entity and is managed by its own Board of Directors. One name, two organizations Transcollines is a single ticketing transit service for individuals comprised of two distinct organizations. The Régie Intermunicipale de Transport des Collines manages the public transit for the municipalities of Cantley, Chelsea, La Pêche and Val-des-Monts. The paratransit services and supplemental transit services are overseen by Transports Adaptés et Collectifs des Collines for all seven (7) municipalities of the RCM of Les Collines-de-l’Outaouais: Cantley, Chelsea, L’Ange-Gardien, La Pêche, Pontiac and Val-des-Monts. Each of the two organizations using a single ticketing system under the name Transcollines is a separate legal entity and is managed by its own Board of Directors. To participate Do you have questions for our board of directors ? Send us your questions by email at before noon the day before the Board meeting and we will follow up with you afterwards. You wish to attend to the next Board meeting ? It is possible to participate, in person, to our next Board meeting by sending us your intention by email before noon the previous day Please include your question in the email. Considering that we are still in COVID times, we will notify you if the session is being held by videoconference and we will send you the participation link. You can consult the agenda 1 week before the date of the Board meeting to find out which topics will be discussed. User Representatives We have two seats on our board of directors dedicated to user representatives: a representative of public transport customers and a representative of paratransit or rural public transport customers. These representatives are responsible for communicating the needs, concerns and questions of Transcollines users during Board meetings. Vacancy Representative of public transport users We are currently looking for a representative for public transport users. If you wish to submit your application, send us your CV to the following address: Vacancy Representative of paratransit or rural public transport customers We are currently looking for a representative for paratransit or rural public transport customers. If you wish to submit your application, send us your CV to the following address: How was the selection of members representing the clientele conducted? + The call for applications was held from September 26 to November 26, 2019, among public transport users via the website. The Director General ensured the filing and the process of analyzing the applications received, along with the recommendation of candidates with the greatest potential. The process then followed its course, with the submission of candidates to the Board of Directors on November 27, 2019, and the appointment of the representative by official resolution to this same Board representative of paratransit or rural public transport customers. What are the duties of a Board Representative? + Representatives of the Board of Directors participate in public meetings and certain committees as needed. What is the workload of a representative member of the board of directors? + Public meetings are held 6 times a year. Also, the representative regularly consults the users’ email inboxes and ensures the various follow-ups with them. What qualities and skills are required? + Sense of ethics: behave in a manner consistent with the values and ethical principles applicable to him by his functions. The person knows how to recognize the conflicts of values and the ethical risks associated with the exercise of certain of his functions or the decision-making processes in which he participates. Intégrité : fIntegrity: being honest and fair, having morals and being consistent with the interests of the organization. Availability: Actively participate in all meetings of the Board of Directors and prepare for them conscientiously by reading the documentation beforehand and by thinking and researching as necessary to be able to contribute to the organization. Strategic thinking: being able to recognize and identify the issues facing the organization based on a good understanding of the context. The person demonstrates the ability to anticipate issues, risks and opportunities and their impact on the achievement of the organizational mission. The person can contribute positively to the development of strategies, has good political sense and the ability to understand the legal context in which the organization operates. Leadership: be able to perform their duties proactively and contribute to the processing of matters submitted to the Board. The person uses their knowledge and experience to inform the discussions and the decision-making process of the board. Communication: Being able to express your ideas clearly and respectfully within the board. The person uses their communication skills to promote dialogue and demonstrates listening skills. Also, the two members representing the clientele must meet the eligibility criteria, specifically to be a resident of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais and to use one of our transportation services. Minutes • Schedule • Agenda • Bylaws This content is only available in French. Click here to consult the minutes, schedule, agenda and bylaws in French.