How it works This content is intended for the public covered by the exceptions of the Charter of the French language and its regulations. If you read on, you confirm that you fall within one of these exceptions. Smart Card How to use your Transcollines smart card on Transcollines buses? When boarding, you must: Tap your Transcollines smart card on the card reader. A green light shows that your card has been validated. Then show the driver the side of your card with the photo. If you get a red light: Fares must be paid for in cash. Ask your driver for your proof of payment. Make sure that you ask for a ticket so that you can continue your trip within the STO network. You will also have to ask for a transfer ticket when boarding the STO bus to continue on to another STO line or to use the OC Transpo network. If you believe that a technical difficulty is to blame, go to one of our service points. Note that your purchase receipt will not be accepted as proof of your card’s validity when paying your fare. It serves to validate your point-of-sale transaction. We suggest that you keep it as a proof of purchase. When you reach your destination, you must show the driver the side of your card with the photo when getting off a Transcollines bus. To find out how your smart card works on board an STO vehicle, we invite you to consult the Transcollines with the STO page under Outaouais rural. Intra, Regular or Inter single-trip fare When purchasing a single-trip fare in a Transcollines vehicle, you must: Upon boarding, deposit the exact cash amount into the fare box. No change will be given. There are no single-trip tickets for single trips with Transcollines. Combined single-trip fare When purchasing a single-trip fare FOR A COMBINED TRIP in a Transcollines vehicle, you must: Upon boarding, deposit the exact cash amount for a combined trip into the fare box. No change will be given. The driver will give you an STO transfers ticket so that you can continue travelling within the STO network. It is possible to request your transfers ticket while entering or exiting the vehicle. On your return, upon boarding the Transcollines vehicle, you can pay your fare by depositing an STO transfer ticket plus $2 (Combined Collines single pass) or $17.00 (Combined Pontiac single Pass) into the fare box. The transfer ticket must be deposited into the Transcollines fare box. Users paying their fare in a Transcollines vehicle with an STO transfer ticket cannot request another STO ticket for a further transfer within the STO network. To find out how a combined single pass works on board an STO vehicle, we invite you to consult the Transcollines with the STO page under Outaouais rural. Predetermined stops Users are invited to get to the predetermined stops in order to access the Transcollines services safely. For security reasons, courtesy stops will be authorized in certain circumstances. Considering the high traffic at Transcollines bus stops, which are often located in the same area as those of the STO, we kindly ask you to signal your presence to the Transcollines driver, using a hand gesture, to facilitate your identification among other STO passengers. Get to the requested stop at least 5 minutes before scheduled time. Courtesy stops Although it is highly recommended that users go to the predetermined stops, users may ask for a courtesy stop to the driver with a hand signal. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the courtesy stop is asked in a safe area. The driver, however, might not necessarily acquiesce to the request. In addition, it is important to note that courtesy stops are only authorized on the territories of the MRC des Collines and the MRC Pontiac. No courtesy stops are authorized on the territory of the city of Gatineau. To take advantage of a courtesy stop, the user must: be on the territory of the MRC des Collines or from the MRC Pontiac; ensure that the place where the courtesy stop will be requested is safe for the user and also for the bus to stop there. Holidays (on weekdays only) On public holidays, fixed-route are not in service. We invite users to use the On demand service. Public holidays are: January 1st New Year’s Day Good Friday Easter Monday The Monday before May 25th National Patriots Day June 24th Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day July 1st Canada Day The first Monday of September Labour Day The second Monday of October Thanksgiving December 25th Christmas Rules of Usage Public transportation and On-demand service + ARTICLE 6 – TICKETS Every person on board the rolling stock of the Régie must have in their possession, at all times, a valid ticket in accordance with By-law RM-07B concernant les titres de transport du réseau de la Régie intermunicipale des transports de Collines [concerning transportation tickets for the Régie intermunicipale des transports de Collines]. ARTICLE 7 – PROPERTY No unauthorized person shall operate or drive the rolling stock of Transcollines or its carriers or use any apparatus or device belonging to the facilities of Transcollines or its carriers that is not for the use of passengers. Equipment and devices for the use of passengers shall be used only in accordance with the directives posted by Transcollines and as directed by the personnel of its authorized carriers. It is forbidden to be present or to move about without authorization in the areas reserved exclusively for the personnel of Transcollines or its carriers, or on the properties of Transcollines. Transcollines assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage, theft, accident or otherwise to a vehicle or its contents when in or on a facility. ARTICLE 8 – CIVILITY In or on a facility (in person, by phone or by email) or rolling stock, no person shall: a) obstruct or impede the free flow of persons, including by standing, roaming, loitering, depositing or carrying a bag, container or other object; b) lie or recline on a bench, seat or floor or occupy the space of more than one person; c) place a foot on a bench or seat or place on a bench or seat any object or substance that is likely to soil it; d) disobey any directive or pictogram posted by Transcollines; e) refuse to move when requested to do so by Transcollines personnel; f) consume alcoholic beverages or drugs, or have an open object containing alcoholic beverages; g) delay or interfere with the work of Transcollines personnel; h) unless authorized, perform any musical or lyrical work or otherwise give a show or other performance; i) unless authorized, solicit or collect any gift, alms or other similar benefit; j) unless authorized, offer for sale or lease any service or property, or otherwise display, distribute, exhibit or advertise any service or property by posting signs; k) unless authorized, solicit or collect signatures; l) unless authorized, conduct surveys, polls, investigations or other studies involving the solicitation of information from users; m) unless authorized, display, offer or distribute any book, newspaper, pamphlet, leaflet or other printed matter, or place or deposit any such printed matter; n) use a courtesy seat, identified for this purpose, reserved for persons with disabilities, seniors, pregnant women and persons with reduced mobility without meeting these conditions, or fail to give up such a seat to persons for whom it is reserved; o) carry or consume food that is excessively odorous. The user must end any consumption of such food outside the rolling stock. p) discriminate, harass and act aggressively towards any staff; q) insult, insult or provoke, by words or gestures, the staff in the exercise of their duties. ARTICLE 9 – SAFETY In or on a facility or rolling stock, no person shall: a) be present in or move about an area reserved for personnel; b) be present in or on or move about in or on any track, road or switching area reserved exclusively for rolling stock; c) handle or use, except in an emergency and in accordance with the instructions for such an apparatus or device, a fire extinguisher, fire hose, alarm system, emergency brake, emergency exit or any other apparatus or device that is clearly intended to be used only for the purpose of safeguarding property and persons in an emergency; d) operate, use or drive in any manner any device, apparatus, equipment or vehicle that is reserved for the use of personnel; e) unless authorized, move any sign, pictogram, poster, easel, fence, security cord or other similar object; f) be in possession of any explosive or pyrotechnic material, any firearm, except for police officers or other authorized persons in the performance of their duties, or any gas, liquid or other material that is dangerous or gives off a foul odour; g) light any lighter, match or other device that causes a flame or spark; h) shout, sing, heckle, swear, use abusive or obscene language, perform immoral or indecent acts, loiter, engage in an altercation or any other form of disturbance or demonstration or generally cause annoyance to other passengers; i) operate on board the rolling stock any radio other than that of the rolling stock, any amplifier, tape recorder or other similar device in such a way that it emits a sound audible to others or play a musical instrument. Cell phone use must be done with respect for others; j) carry on their person or with them any knife, sword, machete or other similar object that may be used as a weapon; k) use a laser pointer or other similar object; l) be shirtless or barefoot; m) access the roof of rolling stock or a facility; n) wear ice skates, roller blades, roller skates or other similar objects; (o) use a skateboard, scooter or other similar object; p) perform any maneuvers or actions within the rolling stock that would result in the vehicle pitching; q) delay in any manner the departure of rolling stock or impede its movement, including preventing or delaying the closing of any door on such rolling stock; r) board or alight from the rolling stock while it is in motion; s) cling to the outside of the rolling stock; t) pass any property, object or body part through the doors and windows of moving rolling stock; u) except when necessary, use, open, pass through or operate the opening mechanism of an emergency exit of rolling stock; v) endanger the safety of persons or rolling stock, including by depositing or carrying a bag, container or other object; w) climb or attempt to climb into rolling stock through a window; x) board or attempt to board rolling stock through the rear door, except when boarding a person in a wheelchair or with the consent of a member of the personnel; y) behave in such a manner as to prevent the driver from having control of the rolling stock or to interfere with the driver’s duties; z) clutter the aisle or take up extra space with a backpack or any other object. ARTICLE 10 – OTHER SAFETY MEASURES All persons on board the rolling stock must move to the rear so as to clear the designated safety area at the front of the vehicle. ARTICLE 11 – STROLLERS AND WALKERS It is forbidden to leave a child alone in a stroller or baby carriage inside the rolling stock and it is the responsibility of the parent/accompanying person to hold the stroller, if necessary. For conventional buses and minibuses, the stroller must be folded for boarding and travel and stored close to the person so as not to impede the movement of people. For regular vehicles, strollers must be folded and installed in the rear trunk and must be added in the equipment section beforehand when requesting a reservation, if applicable. Walkers and baby carriages should be stored close to the person so as not to impede the movement of people. Persons travelling with one of these devices must ensure that they can board the rolling stock without the assistance of the driver and, for safety reasons, the driver is not allowed to leave their post to assist the person inside the rolling stock. ARTICLE 12 – BICYCLES Transcollines provides its users with bicycle racks for the safe transportation of the equipment. In order to ensure the safety of users, the transport of bicycles inside the rolling stock is prohibited, even if the bicycle racks are full, not in working order or missing. Users are invited to securely fasten their bicycles to the furniture provided at the bus shelters. For regular vehicles equipped with bike racks, the user must add this option in the equipment section beforehand when requesting a reservation, if applicable. During the winter months, bicycle rack mechanisms can freeze. Under these circumstances, the driver may refuse to install a bicycle in order to avoid delays or prevent equipment breakage. The responsibility for properly securing the equipment is entirely that of the user and under no circumstances shall Transcollines, its contractor or the owner of the premises be held responsible for any damage caused by the use of the bicycle racks. ARTICLE 13 – SKIS, SNOWBOARDS AND OTHER BULKY OBJECTS For conventional buses and minibuses, the transportation of skis, snowboards, unicycles, toboggans, sleds or any other bulky objects is permitted upon authorization of the driver; consent to transport such equipment will be at the sole discretion of the driver who may, at any time, refuse such request. Users who are authorized by the driver to board with such equipment must transport them in a safe manner and keep them under control at all times. At all times, skis must be tied together and the transportation of bulky objects must not interfere with the movement of people within the rolling stock. For regular vehicles equipped with a transport box, these items must be placed in the box and added to the equipment section in the reservation request, if applicable. ARTICLE 14 – SKATES Ice skates and roller skates are accepted at all times provided that they are fitted with blade guards or inserted in a bag designed for this purpose. ARTICLE 15 – MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Musical instruments must be in a closed bag. At no time may these items interfere with the movement of people within the rolling stock. ARTICLE 16 – INTEGRITY OF PROPERTY In or on a facility or rolling stock, no person shall: a) move, replace, deface, damage or otherwise defile any signs, posters, advertisements or other materials; b) defile any property, including by depositing or abandoning any waste, paper, liquid or other refuse on the property other than in a garbage can or other receptacle designed to hold such refuse; c) affix or display any advertisement, board, pamphlet, sign or other object; d) make, affix, engrave or display any inscription, drawing, graffiti, tag, sticker or other figure; e) damage, tamper with or alter any property in such a way as to prevent or restrict its normal operation; f) throw or otherwise cause any object or liquid to be thrown at any person or property. ARTICLE 17 – ANIMALS In or on any facility or rolling stock, no person shall be with an animal or permit an animal to be present except in the following circumstances: a) the person is disabled and is accompanied by a guide dog or service dog, or the animal is a guide dog or service dog in training; or b) the animal is transported at all times in a closed cage or container duly designed for that purpose. Users in rolling stock or on or in facilities with an animal must ensure that the animal does not inconvenience other passengers or soil the premises. ARTICLE 18 – NO SMOKING No person shall smoke or have in their possession any lighted tobacco or other lighted substance in a facility or in the rolling stock. No person shall use an electronic cigarette or similar device. ARTICLE 19 – FACILITIES In or on a facility, no person shall: a) unless authorized or in case of necessity, be present or move about outside the hours of business or operation; b) support a bicycle, unicycle, tricycle or other similar object, or any trailer that may be attached thereto, anywhere other than on the racks provided for that purpose, if any; c) leave on the premises, for more than seventy-two (72) consecutive hours, a bicycle, unicycle, tricycle, motorcycle, moped or any other similar object, or any trailer that may be attached to one of the latter; after the seventy-two (72) hour period, any object listed herein shall be considered as lost and found, and to this end, Transcollines may dispose of it as it sees fit, after the period provided for, without any other notice or formality. ARTICLE 26.3 – CONDITIONS OF THE ON-DEMAND SERVICE User who wishes to enjoy the demand-responsive service must meet the following conditions: a) Make their reservation between 2 hours and 30 days in advance. The user must have an account in their name and must make their reservations from this same account. B) Make their cancellation at least 1h30 in advance. In the event of failure to be present three (3) times at the agreed time and place, without having first cancelled their reservation within the prescribed time, Transcollines reserves the right to suspend access to services for a period of 30 days. c) Make their reservation, respecting the criteria stated in the previous paragraph, via the transportation request module available on the Transcollines website and application. In exceptional cases, transportation requests can be made by telephone. d) Be at least 12 years old and over. Minors under 12 must be accompanied by a legal representative or responsible adult. e) Be ready to board the vehicle at the time confirmed by Transcollines. The driver will not wait more than 5 minutes after the confirmed time to leave the premises. f) Immediately inform Transcollines when the regular vehicle is more than 15 minutes late. g) Only have one grocery, shopping bag or luggage in your possession and have full control of it at all times during the trip. RM-22 Document (french only) Paratransit + ARTICLE 8 – CIVILITY In or on a facility (in person, by phone or by email) or rolling stock, no person shall: a) obstruct or impede the free flow of persons, including by standing, roaming, loitering, depositing or carrying a bag, container or other object; b) lie or recline on a bench, seat or floor or occupy the space of more than one person; c) place a foot on a bench or seat or place on a bench or seat any object or substance that is likely to soil it; d) disobey any directive or pictogram posted by Transcollines; e) refuse to move when requested to do so by Transcollines personnel; f) consume alcoholic beverages or drugs, or have an open object containing alcoholic beverages; g) delay or interfere with the work of Transcollines personnel; h) unless authorized, perform any musical or lyrical work or otherwise give a show or other performance; i) unless authorized, solicit or collect any gift, alms or other similar benefit; j) unless authorized, offer for sale or lease any service or property, or otherwise display, distribute, exhibit or advertise any service or property by posting signs; k) unless authorized, solicit or collect signatures; l) unless authorized, conduct surveys, polls, investigations or other studies involving the solicitation of information from users; m) unless authorized, display, offer or distribute any book, newspaper, pamphlet, leaflet or other printed matter, or place or deposit any such printed matter; n) use a courtesy seat, identified for this purpose, reserved for persons with disabilities, seniors, pregnant women and persons with reduced mobility without meeting these conditions, or fail to give up such a seat to persons for whom it is reserved; o) carry or consume food that is excessively odorous. The user must end any consumption of such food outside the rolling stock. p) discriminate, harass and act aggressively towards any staff; q) insult, insult or provoke, by words or gestures, the staff in the exercise of their duties. ARTICLE 26.1 – CONDITIONS OF PARATRANSIT SERVICE Users who wish to take advantage of Transports adaptés et collectifs des Collines’ paratransit service must comply with the following conditions: a) Make their reservation no more than 30 days in advance and no later than noon on the business day preceding the service. Cancellation of a request must be made in accordance with the same deadline. b) Make their reservation, pursuant to the criteria in the previous paragraph, via the transportation request module available on the Transcollines website and application. In exceptional cases, transportation requests can be made by telephone. c) Comply with the same terms and conditions in case of cancellation, failing which, a suspension of transport could take place after a certain number of cancellations; d) Provide all of the information necessary to perform the service, i.e. name and surname, required date of transport, exact addresses of departure and destination, desired times of arrival at destination and return, use of a wheelchair, three-wheeled or four-wheeled mobility scooter or other form of assistance or orthosis, authorized or unauthorized presence of an accompanying person with that person’s name, age and gender. e) Be ready to board the vehicle 30 minutes before the scheduled time with the understanding that the driver will not wait more than 5 minutes after the time indicated on the trip sheet to leave the premises. If the user is absent and has not contacted dispatch in advance, the return trip will be automatically cancelled. f) Inform Transcollines immediately when rolling stock is more than 15 minutes late and respect the hours of service when transportation service is available. g) Wait at the front door if the user lives in a high-rise building, nursing home or other such facility. h) In order to provide accessible-door to accessible-door service, at all times when transportation service is requested, the entrance door to the residence and the access road and parking area shall be kept free of obstructions and precipitation accumulation and maintained in a condition suitable for the movement of persons with reduced mobility or persons in wheelchairs, for example, by the application of abrasives, failing which the driver may refuse transportation service. i) If access to the residence consists of more than three consecutive steps, be able to climb them alone or have someone other than the driver assist. j) Ensure that ramps and access equipment comply with the standards set out in the Quebec Building Code. k) Ensure that the three-wheeled or four-wheeled scooter or other type of wheelchair required by the user is no wider than 30 inches (76 cm) and no longer than 48 inches (122 cm) and has four attachment points. l) Ensure that any child seats meet all safety regulations and are suitable for the size and weight of the child, and be able to provide and secure the seat in the rolling stock. m) Be accompanied or ensure that someone other than the driver is present at the pick-up and drop-off points to assist if the parent or accompanying person is not physically able to perform any task related to the transportation of a child. n) The only animals accepted on board the vehicles are guide dogs and service dogs. The user must first send Transcollines a certificate confirming that the dog has been trained by a recognized school, in Quebec or elsewhere, to act as a guide dog or service dog for a disabled person and that this training included a transportation component. The handler must always have control of the dog to ensure that it behaves properly. It is forbidden for the user to be accompanied by the dog on the lift. Small animals are also accepted on board paratransit service. However, they must be transported inside a secure cage, which does not take up additional space in the vehicle and is placed on the user’s knees. In addition, the user must be able to take care of it themselves. (o) Pay, on board the Transcollines rolling stock, the exact amount of the fare including parking fees, if any, failing which no money shall be returned to the user if the exact amount is not given. (p) Have in their possession a maximum of four bags of groceries, shopping bags or pieces of luggage, provided that the user is able to load and unload them from the vehicle alone, without the assistance of the driver. The user must have full control of such items at all times during the trip. q) Make sure the user has all their belongings with them, because at no time will the driver turn back. r) Inform the driver of any special precautions required by the user’s condition and of the particularities of access to the places of pick-up and drop-off. s) Be courteous to the driver and other passengers and avoid distracting the driver to allow them to maintain full attention on the safe operation of the vehicle. t) Ensure that the wheelchair is in good working order and that it is equipped with a regulation seatbelt, failing which the user will have to accept that of the carrier. u) Do not attempt to board or alight from rolling stock alone if the user’s condition is such that they normally require assistance to do so. v) Secure themselves on board the rolling stock by using the lap belt and shoulder harness, if applicable. w) Carefully maneuver the three-wheeled or four-wheeled scooter or wheelchair when boarding and disembarking and be accompanied if the user has two wheelchairs. Transcollines will not transport an unoccupied mobility scooter or wheelchair if the owner is not present. x) When boarding at a shopping centre or other public building, wait for pick‑up at the point where the user was dropped off. y) Not be intoxicated or behave in a manner that could endanger the safety of other passengers or the driver, especially under the influence of alcohol or drugs. ARTICLE 35 – TRANSPORTATION IN ONTARIO – RURAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT AND PARATRANSIT In Ontario, the only trips permitted, following a case-by-case analysis of each request, are the following: a) For work-related travel as well as for travel to and from post-secondary education when courses are not available in Quebec, users may be transported from their home to any point within a radius of approximately eight (8) kilometres of Parliament Hill. b) For travel that is for purposes of health care (occupational therapy, physiotherapy and medical appointments), users will be transported only to the following locations: Ottawa Hospital (General, Civic and Riverside campuses) Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Royal Ottawa Rehabilitation Centre Élizabeth Bruyère Centre Montfort Hospital c) Authorization is required for travel for purposes of health care to any other destination. d) Users may request transportation to and from the bus terminal, Via Rail Station or Ottawa Airport to take the bus, train or plane respectively, between 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., but may not use the transportation service for the purpose of driving another person to or picking them up from these locations. The trip timing will depend on the availability of rolling stock. Travel in or to Ontario for cultural, recreational or social purposes is not permitted. RM-22 Document (french only) Rural public transport + ARTICLE 26.2 – CONDITIONS OF RURAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICE Users wishing to take advantage of Transports adaptés et collectifs des Collines’ rural public transport service must comply with the following conditions: a) Make their reservation no more than 30 days in advance and no later than noon on the business day preceding the service. Cancellation of a request must be made in accordance with the same deadline. b) Make their reservation, respecting the criteria in the previous paragraph, by telephone, e-mail or via the transportation request module available on the Transcollines website. The user must ensure that the request is received. A confirmation will be issued by Transcollines. c) Comply with the same terms and conditions in case of cancellation, failing which, a suspension of transport could take place after a certain number of cancellations; d) Provide all of the information necessary to perform the service, i.e. name and surname, required date of transport, exact addresses of departure and destination, desired times of arrival at destination and return, authorized or unauthorized presence of an accompanying person with that person’s name, age and gender. e) Be ready to board the vehicle 30 minutes before the scheduled time with the understanding that the driver will not wait more than 5 minutes after the time indicated on the trip sheet to leave the premises. If the user is absent and has not contacted dispatch in advance, the return trip will be automatically cancelled. f) Inform Transcollines immediately when rolling stock is more than 15 minutes late and respect the hours of service when transportation service is available. g) Wait at the front door if the user lives in a high-rise building, nursing home or other such facility. h) In order to provide accessible-door to accessible-door service, at all times when transportation service is requested, the front door of the residence and the access road and parking area shall be kept free of obstructions or precipitation accumulation and maintained in a condition suitable for the movement of persons, for example, by applying abrasives, failing which the driver may refuse transportation service. i) Ensure that child seats meet all safety regulations and are appropriate for the size and weight of the child, and be able to provide and secure the seat on board the rolling stock. j) Pay, on board the Transcollines rolling stock, the exact amount of the fare including parking fees, if any, failing which no money shall be returned to the user if the exact amount is not given. k) Have in their possession no more than four bags of groceries, shopping bags or pieces of luggage, provided that the user is able to load and unload them from the vehicle alone, without the assistance of the driver. The user must have full control of such items at all times during the trip. l) Make sure the user has all their belongings with them, because at no time will the driver turn back. m) Inform the driver of any special precautions required by the user’s condition and of the particularities of access to the places of pick-up and drop-off. n) Be courteous to the driver and other passengers and avoid distracting the driver to allow them to maintain full attention on the safe operation of the vehicle. o) Do not attempt to board or alight from rolling stock alone if the user’s condition is such that they normally require assistance to do so. p) Secure themselves on board the rolling stock using the lap belt and shoulder harness, if applicable. q) When boarding at a shopping centre or other public building, wait for pick‑up at the point where the user was dropped off. r) Not be intoxicated or behave in a manner that could endanger the safety of other passengers or the driver, particularly under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs. ARTICLE 35 – TRANSPORTATION IN ONTARIO – RURAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT AND PARATRANSIT In Ontario, the only trips permitted, following a case-by-case analysis of each request, are the following: a) For work-related travel as well as for travel to and from post-secondary education when courses are not available in Quebec, users may be transported from their home to any point within a radius of approximately eight (8) kilometres of Parliament Hill. b) For travel that is for purposes of health care (occupational therapy, physiotherapy and medical appointments), users will be transported only to the following locations: Ottawa Hospital (General, Civic and Riverside campuses) Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Royal Ottawa Rehabilitation Centre Élizabeth Bruyère Centre Montfort Hospital c) Authorization is required for travel for purposes of health care to any other destination. d) Users may request transportation to and from the bus terminal, Via Rail Station or Ottawa Airport to take the bus, train or plane respectively, between 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., but may not use the transportation service for the purpose of driving another person to or picking them up from these locations. The trip timing will depend on the availability of rolling stock. Travel in or to Ontario for cultural, recreational or social purposes is not permitted. RM-22 Document (french only) Refunds Rules governing refunds of transit passe + Requests for refunds of transit passes issued by Transcollines are governed by specific rules. Provisions governing the refund of transit passes + Transit passes cannot be refunded or transferred to another person. Nevertheless, an exception may be granted to refund a pass on specific grounds when the prescribed deadlines are met and for the reasons set out below. The value of the refund must be $10 or more (after the deduction of a $5 administration) and cover a period not exceeding 6 months. Purchase before the pass becomes valid + Users who have purchased a monthly pass and request a refund before the 1st day that the pass becomes valid. Death of the card holder * + Eligible parties may request a refund for any transit pass loaded on the smart card upon the death of the card holder. To process the request, Transcollines requires the necessary supporting documents (declaration of death). Stopped work (loss of employment or illness) * + User who have lost their employment or are on medical leave for more than one month. To process the request, Transcollines requires the necessary supporting documents (record of employment or medical certificate). Maternity, paternity or parental leave * + Users who are on maternity, paternity or parental leave for a period exceeding one month and who request a refund once their leave has started. To process the request, Transcollines requires the necessary supporting documents (record of employment). *A $5 administration fee applies in all cases and will be deducted from the refund amount. Refund granted (calculation method used) Monthly pass + Pass price – (cost of one trip paid x the number of trips taken) – administration fee ($5) Provisions governing the replacement of smart cards + Smart cards may be replaced under the following circumstances: Lost, stolen or damaged smart card Users must go to a service point to have the card and any contents replaced. A fee of $10 is applies. Defective smart card Users must go to a service point to have the card and any contents replaced for free. Responsibility for the policy The Transcollines office clerk is responsible for the application of this policy. Responsibility for the policy for Collines and Pontiac combined pass The STO is responsible for processing reimbursement requests for “Combined” passes.