How it works

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Smart Card

How to use your Transcollines smart card on Transcollines buses?

When boarding, you must:

  1. Tap your Transcollines smart card on the card reader. A green light shows that your card has been validated.
  2. Then show the driver the side of your card with the photo.


If you get a red light:

Fares must be paid for in cash. Ask your driver for your proof of payment. Make sure that you ask for a ticket so that you can continue your trip within the STO network. You will also have to ask for a transfer ticket when boarding the STO bus to continue on to another STO line or to use the OC Transpo network.

If you believe that a technical difficulty is to blame, go to one of our service points.

Note that your purchase receipt will not be accepted as proof of your card’s validity when paying your fare. It serves to validate your point-of-sale transaction. We suggest that you keep it as a proof of purchase.

When you reach your destination, you must show the driver the side of your card with the photo when getting off a Transcollines bus.

To find out how your smart card works on board an STO vehicle, we invite you to consult the Transcollines with the STO page under Outaouais rural.

Intra, Regular or Inter single-trip fare

When purchasing a single-trip fare in a Transcollines vehicle, you must: 

Upon boarding, deposit the exact cash amount into the fare box. No change will be given. There are no single-trip tickets for single trips with Transcollines.

Combined single-trip fare

When purchasing a single-trip fare FOR A COMBINED TRIP in a Transcollines vehicle, you must: 

  1. Upon boarding, deposit the exact cash amount for a combined trip into the fare box. No change will be given.
  2. The driver will give you an STO transfers ticket so that you can continue travelling within the STO network. It is possible to request your transfers ticket while entering or exiting the vehicle.

On your return, upon boarding the Transcollines vehicle, you can pay your fare by depositing an STO transfer ticket plus $2  (Combined Collines single pass) or $17.00 (Combined Pontiac single Pass) into the fare box. The transfer ticket must be deposited into the Transcollines fare box. Users paying their fare in a Transcollines vehicle with an STO transfer ticket cannot request another STO ticket for a further transfer within the STO network.

To find out how a combined single pass works on board an STO vehicle, we invite you to consult the Transcollines with the STO page under Outaouais rural.

Predetermined stops


Users are invited to get to the predetermined stops in order to access the Transcollines services safely.
For security reasons, courtesy stops will be authorized in certain circumstances.

Considering the high traffic at Transcollines bus stops, which are often located in the same area as those of the STO, we kindly ask you to signal your presence to the Transcollines driver, using a hand gesture, to facilitate your identification among other STO passengers.


Get to the requested stop at least 5 minutes before scheduled time.



Courtesy stops

Although it is highly recommended that users go to the predetermined stops, users may ask for a courtesy stop to the driver with a hand signal. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the courtesy stop is asked in a safe area. The driver, however, might not necessarily acquiesce to the request.
In addition, it is important to note that courtesy stops are only authorized on the territories of the MRC des Collines and the MRC Pontiac. No courtesy stops are authorized on the territory of the city of Gatineau.


To take advantage of a courtesy stop, the user must:

  • be on the territory of the MRC des Collines or from the MRC Pontiac;
  • ensure that the place where the courtesy stop will be requested is safe for the user and also for the bus to stop there.

Holidays (on weekdays only)

On public holidays, fixed-route are not in service. We invite users to use the On demand service. Public holidays are:

  • January 1st New Year’s Day 
  • Good Friday 
  • Easter Monday 
  • The Monday before May 25th National Patriots Day 
  •  June 24th Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day
  • July 1st Canada Day 
  • The first Monday of September Labour Day 
  • The second Monday of October Thanksgiving 
  • December 25th Christmas

Rules of Usage

Public transportation and On-demand service
Rural public transport


Rules governing refunds of transit passe
Provisions governing the refund of transit passes
Purchase before the pass becomes valid
Death of the card holder *
Stopped work (loss of employment or illness) *
Maternity, paternity or parental leave *

Refund granted (calculation method used)

Monthly pass
Provisions governing the replacement of smart cards