Terms of use This content is intended for the public covered by the exceptions of the Charter of the French language and its regulations. If you read on, you confirm that you fall within one of these exceptions. Before consulting the Transcollines website (name used representing Transports Adaptés et Collectifs des Collines and the Régie intermunicipale de transport des Collines) or entering your personal information in the forms offered on this site, please read these legal notices. You are also encouraged to print this page or save it as a copy. Copyright The information contained in this website is the property of Transcollines, which reserves the intellectual property rights. All information and data on this site will not be used for commercial or profit-making purposes without authorization from Transcollines. These rights apply to all documents, data, photographs and other works presented on the website. Transcollines On Demand (TOD) By using Transcollines On Demande (TOD), the user understands that it’s a public transport service and not a private service. The user also understands that Transcollines cannot be held responsible for delays encountered during travel. That said, Transcollines will do everything in its power to respect the boarding and disembarking times, but it is possible, due to factors beyond its control (e.g. weather conditions, traffic lights, accidents, traffic on the roads, etc.), that these are affected. If the user chooses to use the regular taxi services of Loyal or any other company, he will be billed at the regular taximeter rate. Transcollines cannot be held responsible for delays and costs incurred by this type of service and no refund will be granted. Responsibilities This site offers general and specific information of all kinds, in particular the possibility of obtaining an itinerary, consulting a schedule, or finding the price of a trip. This various information comes from Transcollines and other sources deemed reliable. Transcollines makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information at the time of its presentation. However, Transcollines cannot be held liable, except for gross or intentional fault on its part in the events that certain information proves to be inaccurate or incomplete, or because of bad interpretations. This site may contain links to websites managed by third parties other than Transcollines. These links are provided for the convenience of the user only. Transcollines has no control over the sites and assumes no responsibility for their content, operation or practices, particularly with regard to respect for privacy. The use of other sites links does not mean that Transcollines approves the elements it presents and does not necessarily imply an association between Transcollines and the operators of these sites. The fact that another website contains a link to the Transcollines website does not in any way mean that Transcollines recommends this site or endorses the opinions expressed there. Furthermore, a third-party site is required to refrain from creating a hyperlink to the Transcollines site if this is done in a context that is detrimental to it or that does not clearly mention the reference to the Transcollines site. Transcollines makes every effort to ensure that the files available on its website are free of viruses, without however being able to guarantee their total harmlessness. Transcollines cannot, except for gross or intentional fault on its part, be held liable for damage resulting from the use of this website or related to it, and in particular the downloading of files from this site. Account Security If you are required to register in any section of the site, you must provide current, complete and accurate information as requested in the registration form. In most cases, you will be asked to provide your email address and a password. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password. Further, you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account. It is also your responsibility to immediately notify Transcollines of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of your account security. You could be held responsible for losses suffered by Transcollines or by a third party due to the use of your account or your password by someone other than yourself. Your account may not, at any time, be used by anyone other than you and you may not use another person’s account without the authorization of the account holder. Language usage French is the business language of Transcollines. Certain publications contained on this site as well as certain pages and sections of this site are only available in French. In case of contradiction between the French version and the English version, the French version prevails. Use of the masculine The use of the masculine on this website serves only to lighten the text and designates both men and women.